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Chemical Kits

Showing 1-13 of 13 products

Pool Chemical Kits For Opening, Closing & Maintenance

Make opening, closing and general maintenance easy with an all-in-1 chemical kit. In 1 easy purchase get all the chemicals you need. We have several of each type of chemical kit so you’ll have no problem getting exactly what you need.
Measured for various pool sizes, you’ll just need to read the instructions on the box and add the chemicals to your pool. Start the summer off right or end it with ease with a chemical kit from
For a closing kit you can count on, check out the products from Rx Clear®. Their kits come with everything you need for every season: all the shock and algaecide you need plus whatever else will get your pool ready. It’s your prescription to clear waters all year long.
For more information about chemical kits, look for our Opening Kit Buyer’s Guide and FAQ or our dedicated page to Closing Kit questions.

What Should I Do If I’ve Already Shocked My Pool And There’s Still Algae?

In such a situation, it is recommended to shock your pool once again, using a higher concentration of chlorine shock. You can increase the dose to be anywhere from 2 to 6 times the normal amount. Once the chlorine levels stabilize, it is advisable to add an algaecide to complete the treatment. After the algae have cleared, you may also consider vacuuming the pool to remove any remaining dirt and debris.

How Do I Determine How Many Gallons My Pool Is?

To calculate the volume of your pool, you will need to determine its dimensions.

Length x Width x Average Depth x Multiplier = Volume in Gallons

    Multiplier for rectangular and square pools is 7.5
    Multiplier for oval pools is 6.7
    Multiplier for round pools is 5.9

Please ensure that all measurements are in feet, including the depth. In the case of above ground pools, assume that the water depth is 6 inches less than the wall height. For example, if your pool has a wall height of 48 inches, consider the depth as 3.5 feet, and for a 52-inch pool, use 4 feet. If mathematics isn't your strong suit, there are numerous online calculators available to help you determine the gallonage of your pool. Just perform a quick internet search, and you will find several options in the top search results for further assistance.

How Do I Know My Pool’s Been Properly Opened?

While you may be eager to start enjoying your pool, it is crucial to ensure that the pool's chemical balance is appropriately maintained before taking a dip. This includes having the right pH level, sanitizer concentration, stabilizer level, total alkalinity, and water hardness. Additionally, there should be no presence of algae or metals in the water to ensure proper pool opening.