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Automatic Pool Cleaners

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Above Ground & Inground Automatic Pool Cleaners

Cleaning your pool can quickly become tiresome; automatic pool cleaners easily takes the work out of it. Have a clean pool without any of the work. At, we carry a variety of robotic, suction side and pressure side cleaners. Each type of automatic cleaner carries its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages. Whichever you select, make sure it is compatible with your inground or above ground pool by verifying that it is effective on your pool’s surfaces and able to handle the size and depth of your pool. And most importantly, be sure to have the proper equipment and enough hose to get around your pool.

Will An Automatic Cleaner Be Okay On My Vinyl/Concrete/Tile/Gunite/Fiberglass Pool Surface?

Automatic pool cleaners are suitable for cleaning on a variety of surfaces including vinyl, concrete, tile, gunite, and fiberglass. Even if you have a pop-up pool, you can still benefit from using these cleaners. However, when selecting a cleaner, it's important to ensure that it's compatible with your specific pool surface. Using an incompatible cleaner could potentially cause damage such as scratches or small tears. The product listing for each cleaner should specify the surfaces on which it is effective.

How Do I Know What Cleaner Type Is Best For Me: Robotic, Suction Side Or Pressure Side?

To determine which cleaner is most suitable for your pool and pool system, you should first consider compatibility. Most pools are compatible with either a pressure side cleaner or a suction side cleaner. Robot cleaners, on the other hand, do not rely on your pool's system and are generally compatible with any pool. However, it's worth noting that a robotic cleaner may provide more features and capabilities than you actually require.

Can I Use My Cleaner While Someone’s In The Pool?

To ensure safety, it is always recommended to remove the automatic cleaner from the pool before anyone starts swimming.

For more help deciding on the cleaner for you, visit our dedicated Buyer’s Guide and FAQ page.