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Pool Ladders

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Swimming Pool Ladders

Don’t be stuck in your pool and make sure you have a ladder secured in place. Whether you want an easy exit from the deep end of your inground pool or a primary entrance for your above ground pool, has a variety of pool ladders to choose from. As you make your choice, consider the height of the ladder, the depth of your pool and how much space it’ll take up. Don’t forget to also consider the material of the ladder and any local ordinances in your area.

For more information, visit our Ladders Buyer’s Guide and FAQ.

Should I Get A Ladder, A-Step Or A Combination?

When deciding between a ladder, A-step, or a combination system for your pool, several factors should guide your choice, including budget, ease of use, and aesthetic appeal. If your primary concern is the price, ladder systems are worth considering. Ladders, whether in the form of A-frames or deck-mounted options, are generally more affordable. A-frame ladders, specifically designed for pools, feature handrails that ensure safety and convenience while using them. They also occupy less space. Ensuring a safe and easy entry into the pool is crucial. If safety is your top priority, it is recommended to focus on pool steps and step systems. Seeking the best of both worlds? You might consider a combination system that combines in-pool steps with an additional ladder for the exterior of your pool.

How Do I Install A Pool Ladder?

The installation process varies depending on whether your ladder attaches to a deck or if you have an A-frame ladder. In both cases, it is important to position the ladder in a visible location. Typically, resin ladders need to be filled with water or sand to add weight and keep them in place. It is essential to follow the specific instructions provided with your ladder system. For deck-mounted ladders (above ground or inground), start by attaching the flanges to your desired location. You may need to purchase flanges separately. Slowly lower the ladder into the water, placing the rails into the flanges and securing them. A-frame ladders should be placed in the water and then fastened to the pool's top rail. Adding water gradually can help provide stability to the ladder. Take care not to damage your pool's liner or walls during the attachment process.

How Long Does A Pool Ladder Last?

The longevity of a pool ladder varies depending on the materials used. Plastic or resin ladders may not last as long as those made of metal or aluminum. Factors such as storage, weather conditions, and proper upkeep can also influence the ladder's lifespan.